Professional Tree Care Solutions

Bergen Tree Services was established in 1990 by Andrew Hancock to provide professional tree care solutions for all tree owners in the South Lakeland and North Lancashire areas
With over 20 years’ experience in the industry, holding vocational certification, academic and professional qualifications, including a Royal Forestry Society Certificate in Arboriculture, and recognised Safety Management qualifications, Andrew is ideally placed to provide sound and impartial advice on any tree related matter.
Professional tree care is a commitment to the future and, in the long term, as in any industry, it always pays to take advice from, and use the services of, reputable professionals because inappropriate or ill-advised tree work can endanger the tree, the public and the customer.
Cutting corners is never cost effective; it only takes a few minutes to do irreparable damage to a healthy tree which has stood for many years.
Please browse the site for further information about our range of services or contact Andrew to discuss your specific requirements
Please browse our sister site for further information about our range of services or contact us to discuss your specific requirements